Monday, March 18, 2019

3 poems by Jeton Kelmendi

Jeton Kelmendi is a poet, player, publicist, translator, publisher, a professor of university and academic. Kelmendi did a PhD in the “Influence of media in EU Political Security Issues”. He is professor at AAB University College. His first book entitled: “The Century of Promises” Shekulli i Premtimeve, was published in 1999.  To date he has published 14 original books, 27 other languages translations of his books, and he has translated 12 books of other authors, making him the most translated Albanian author. He has won several awards. 

Jeton Kelmendi ndinyanduri, mutambi, mushambadziri, muturukiri, mutsikisi wemabhuku, uye mudzidzisi wepamusoro wepaUnivhesiti. Kelmedi akazoita digiri rokupedzisira zvidzidzo zveku Univhesiti re filosofi dokotera rezve «kukosha kwemapepanhau mumubatanidzwa we Yuropu panyaya dzematongerwo nedzekuzvidzivirira». Muzvinafundo wepamusoro pa univhesiti ye AAB ku Belgium. Bhuku rake rokutanga rainzi «Chiuru cheZvivimbiso» mugore rechiuri nemazana mapfumbamwe nemakumi mapfumbamwe anepfumbamwe. Kusvika nhasi uno akatsikisa mabhuku aakanyora gumi nemana, ake akturikirwa kumitaura makumi maviri nenomwe, uye iye akaturikira mabhuku evamwe vanyori gumi nemaviri kureva kuti ndiye munyori akaturikirwa kupfuura vose vekuAlbania. Akawanawo mikombe yakawanda.


Kubudikidza mukuwedza mhuka isina ropa
Matombo egirazi haaonekwi
                    —Frederico Garcia Lorca

 Zvinhu zvisinganzwisisike ndivo vanhu,
Chinhu chose chine mamiriro acho
Mumiro wacho
Chiumbwa chohumunhu,
Nguva namwari wekuumba

Kukosha kwake mukadzi, mupfungwa dzangu
Pasina chaiyo mhando,
Zvinotara miganhu yohuremu
Mazuva achiuya achienda, anopupurira
Kune izvo zvakandiumba,
Zvokushandisa kuti zvivakwa zvitange, izwi
Uye nguva ine rudo

Zvichinzwisisika, musoro wefungidziro
Unoshandisa kuva nomukana kune mipikicha isina muviri,
Isina pokugumira.

Kubva mukuva tisati tasvika
Tichishungurudzika kuumba;
Chimwe pamusoro pechimwe
Kuenzana kuri matiri uye kuchiratidza

Hwaro hudiki pakati,
Manheru anorira uye achikupwanyidzira
Kubva kutafura yokunyorera yako kuuya kuzuva rino
Nzira dzose dzinouya kwandiri.

Kubva pane mujaho wese wohupenyu,
Maitiro okupira emwoyo wako
Pane kuguma pane huremu
Vanoti rudo
Rudo, chiumbwa cheninga dzepfungwa
Iyi nzwimbo irimandiri, iri mauri

Iko zvino, ziva nokudzvinyirirwa kwehwangu huremu

Manheru omusi wegumi nhatu muna Ndira mugore rezviuru zviviri negumi nenhatu, Brussels


      Through an amphibian trail
      The crystals are elusive
                    —Frederico Garcia Lorca

Strange things are human creatures,
Everything has its own appearance,
Being of creation,
Time and God of making.

Her brand, in my thoughts
Without a specific format,
It sets out the parameters of matter.

Days coming and going, testify
For my own makeup,
The material from which creation begins, the word
And time with love.

Understandably, the theme of theories
Practices access to images without forms,
Without dimension.

From the pre-arrival
Suffering to shape it;
One plus one
Equality with us and points.

Narrow between space,
The evening sounds and narrows you.
From your desk to this day
Every path leads to me.

At every pace of life,
Your heart rites
There are epilogues in the matter
They say love.
Love, this craft of the soul
The place is in me, in you.

Now, know with my muttered stuff.

The evening of 30 January 2013, Brussels


Pane vabvakure vaviri muguta
Mukadzi uye murume,
Vamwe vose vanotarisika kusiyana.
Vanoita kunge vasiri kufamba,
Zvose zvinotaurwa
Ndizvo zvinonzi navabvi vokure;
Umwe uye nemumwe vakasangana

Manheru anouya kunge muridzi wemba uye mushanyi,
Zvinogovana maitiro erombe uye hurukuro dzinokura
Kunakidziswa hakusi kutarisirwa,
Kunzwisa kuri kuuya kune guta iri
Apo hunhu hunonzwisiswa

Vabvi vokure vaviri
Vanoita kunge vasangani kokutanga,
Kwete kunge sezvazviri
Muguta iri rine rudo nevanoyemurwa.
Vokutanga nokupedzisira
Apo vanosangana,
Husiku hwaiva kurara kwevagonesesi,
Umu mune vana vakatorwa
Mumwaka yerudo,
Kudzamara rungano rwose rwapedzwa

Muguta iri
Vokunze vavira vanoroverana
Kudzama vazozviona mangwana acho;
Vanorota nevasingarote vanouya

Muguta iri
Vanoti kune mivara yakawanda
Kusanzwisiska, asi ichokwadi
Usiku hweVäxjö
Hwakava hune mwaka mina yerudo
Kune vokunze vaviri ava.

Mbudzi gore rezviuru zviviri nesere, Växjö, Sweden


There are two foreigners in the city
A lady and a gentlemen,
All others look different.
They are not like walking,
Everything that is spoken is
What two foreigners say;
One and the other met
In the city.

The evening comes as the host and guest,
Exchange rites of pariahs and conversations grow
Ecstasy is not expected,
Understanding is coming to this city
When characters are understood.

Two foreigners
Seems to have met first,
Not as it is
In the city with love legends.
The first and the last
Once met,
That night was the sleep of the intelligentsia,
In which four were overtaken
Seasons of love,
Until the whole story was finished.

In the city
Two aliens crashed
Until they found it tomorrow;
The dreaming and undreaming came to

In the city
They say there are many colors
Strange, but true
The night of Växjö
Has had four seasons of love
For two foreigners.

November 2008, Växjö, Sweden


Unoziva mwaka wepfumvudza kubva mumaruva chete…
—Paul Géraldy

Ndichadzoka zvakare kumavhesisi
Kuti ndisangane newe
Sezvo ndakushuva husiku huno,
Kuti ndikude hope nokurota
Uye husiku hutema uhu
Kuti ndive nokuzvidzora,
Uye kuti nditambe mavhesisi zvishoma
Erino detembo

Nokuda kwokudaro
Ndichakuona sei husiku huno
Kana pfungwa dzangu dzave dzega ?

Mazwi maviri
Epamusoro peizwi :
Ndaanzwa achiti,
Izwi remwoyo
Ndiro riri kure uye pedyo nezwi
Ini ndaida kuti
Kubva munhetembo dzangu
Izwi rakabvamo rikandidaidza
Oooo heeee ooooo.

Ndichange ndiri husiku huno
Richasunganidza mutsetse wemazvi.
Kungoti urambe wakanakisisa
Mumavhesisi angu
Mushure mokudaidzira mazwi

Ndichave husiku huno
Verengo yakanakisisa,
Kudzidza kuti mwoyo unoratidzwa sei.
Kutsvenenzvera kunakidza kwemapeji.
Kuti ndingoziva zvakawanda pamusoro pako

Izvo zvandisingaite husiku huno
Yakanakisisa misoro yenhetembo
Iwe uchagara apo
Apo ichange ichifukatidzwa

Oslo, Noweyi, munaNdiri mugore rezviuru zviviri negumi neimwe


      You know spring only from flowers ...
                                            —Paul Géraldy

I'll go back to the verses
To meet you
Since I missed this night,
To overcome sleep by dreaming
And this dark night.
To be cautious,
And to dance the verses a little
Of this poetry.

How do I see you tonight,
When my mind is alone?

Two words
Regarding the voice:
I heard say,
The voice of the heart
It is the farthest or nearer voice
The most ragged,
I wanted to say.
From my poetry
A voice came out and called me
Oooo heeee oooo.

I'll be tonight
The word
To stitch in the sentence.
Just to keep you beautiful
In my verses
After each punctuation
To read it again.

I will be this night
A beautiful reading,
To learn how the heart is depicted.
Surfing pleasure pages,
Just to know more about you.

I will be,
What I will not do tonight.
The best of poetry’s titles,
You stay over
Just as it is shadowed.

Oslo, Norway, January 2011
Translated into Shona by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

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