Saturday, March 16, 2019

5 poems by Niladri Mahajan

An award winning bilingual poet, author of Poetry books- "A Diffused Room" and “Aura of Light”, a counselling psychologist, Niladri Mahajan lives in Kolkata, India. His poems are translated into French, Arabic, Bengali, Japanese and Italian. He is also a PhD student in Bioinformatics of Calcutta University. He is trained in Eastern and Western Classical music, is also participated in three group painting and photography exhibitions in recent past, and active as a street photographer, watercolour artist. He loves to do long afternoon walks, scuba diving and gliding.

Akahwina mikombe munyori anonyora nomitauro miviri, munyori wemabhuku enhetembo “Imba yakapfapfaidzwa” uye “Uromba hwemwenje”, dokotera anorapa pfungwa, Naladri Mahajan anogara kuguta reKolkota, Indiya. Nhetembo dzake dzakaturikirwa muchiFrench, Arabic, Bengali, Japanese uye Itariana. Mudzidzi wezvidzidzo zvepamusoro pauniversity zvefilosofi dhokotera mune zvokufambisa mashoko mukati memuviri paCulcutta Univhesiti. Akadzidziswa nezvemimhanzi yokumabvazuva neyekumadokero yechinyakare, uye akabatana nevamwe mukushambadzirwa kwezvemifananidzo yokupenda uye mipikicha yekamera munguva yapfuura, uye anowanikwa kazhinji achitora mipikicha munzira dzomudhorobha, uye kupenda. Anofarira

Maple Leaves

This morning light is a winter...
When I am in deep muse,
Spreads the snow
Beneath the deepest nature.

 Mashizha eMepuru

Rujeko rwemangwanani ano mwaka wechando…
Apo ndinenge ndiri mukufunga kwakadzama,
Unopararidzira chando
Kuenda pasi pasi pezvisikwa


My offerings are
Only one word… you!
I murmured it slowly
As a never ending
Burning of an incense stick.


Zvipirwa zvangu ndizvo
Rimwechete izwi… iwe!
Ndakarizevezera zvinyoronyoro
Kunge chisingaperi
Kupiswa kwemuti weInisenzi

What is life?

Simplify all the figures
That’s in front of you.
Are you still angry?
This is not geometry
With a compass
And pencil, I know.
But I reflect you
As long as you are willing
To answer my questions

Chii Chinonzi Hupenyu?

Tsanangura yose miviri
Zviri pamberi pako.
Wakachangogumbuka here?
Iyi haisi dzidziso yemiviri
Ine nhongedzo yenzira
Uye penzura, ndinozviziva.
Asi ndinoratidza iwe
Chete pose pauchange uchida
Kupindura mibvunzo yangu

First Love

An image… melting
Behind the frosty glass.
A steamy landscape.
Death-white. Coloured.

Rudo Rwokutanga

Mufananidzo… urikunyunguduka
Kuseri kwegirazi ravharwa nechando mhute.
Dunhu rine kufashaira
Kufa-kuchena. Rine mivara

My Kind Of Girl
You are worst of everything
And sweet of nothing, any phrase
Defers you, in this habitual way.
Usually, it not fits you at all.

 Mhando Yomusikana Wangu

Wakashata mune zvose
Uye usina paunotapira, chipi chirahwe
Hachikubvumi, mune mukuita uku.
Kazhinji, hachikufiti kana zvacho

 Translation into Shona by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

Tendai Rinos Mwanaka is a Zimbabwean publisher, editor, translator, mentor, writer, visual artist and musical artist with close to 30 books published, more here: He writes in English and Shona. His work has appeared in over 400 journals and anthologies from over 30 countries. Work has been translated into Spanish, Serbian, Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Hungarian, French and German. 

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