Wednesday, March 20, 2019

3 poems from Zvonko Teneski

Zvonko Taneski (1980) is a Macedonian poet, literary critic, translator and university professor, living and working in Slovakia.  In 2007 he defended his PhD. thesis from “Theory and history of Slovak literature” at the Department of Slovak Literature and Literary Science on Comenius University in Bratislava. He now works on the same University as an associate professor on Department of Slavic Philology in Faculty of Arts. Author of six books of poetry: "Opened doors" (1995, Kuboa), "The Choir of Rotten Leaves" (2000, Matica makedonska), "The Ridge" (2003, Magor), „Chocolate in portfolio" (2010, Blesok), "Necking without warranty card" (2012, Kočo Racin) and "Waiting history" (2016, Antolog). His poems has been translated into numerous languages and published in the national literary periodicals, as well as in the foreign. In the year of  2013 he has received a Golden medal "Poet laureate" from the Axlepin Publishing in Manila (Philipines) and in year 2015 he has received а high Plague for wholesome poetry the Rector of Varna University on festival "Slavic hugs" in Varna, Bulgaria.


Making love after drunken night

We’ll be washing our teeth early on
And we’ll be standing long before the mirror with foam in our mouth
We’ll taste our own embarrassment

You will merely ask me early on where you have put your watch
And I'll ask you
To turn on the radio, speaker of the morning news
That will inform us about the thousands of students
That had left home for the holiday
And she’ll tactically say nothing about our last night in the modern boarding school

Early on we’ll feel
Very abandoned and we’ll come outside
At the noisy streets
Searching through our pockets
While we seek out the lost time
And the valid passenger ticket

The wind will blow empty – handed
As unemployed postman
And joyfully will blow away
Crinkled card with hastily written unnecessary address
And so it will be so uncomfortable
And to rely on
The cold window
In the bus
And to keep silent

Nonetheless we talk a lot now
Just as easy as drinking cups,
So that our words can be perfectly
Mixed up
And we’ll fly somewhere up
With no sense that
Hence we’re creating the new man


Tichange tichigeza mazino edu kutangira
Uye tichange takamirira nguva regore pamberi pechiringiso tine mapupu mumuromo
Ticharavira kunyadziswa kwedu

Uchandibvunza kwokutanga kuti ndepapi pandaisa chiringazuva
Uye ini ndichakukumbira
Kuti ubatidze dzimudzangara, mutauri wenhau dzemangwanani
Iyo ichatiudza nezvezviuru zvevana vechikoro
Vasiya dzimba kuenda kunozorora
Uye nemazwi mukadzi uyu haana chimwe chaanotaura pamusoro pohusiku muchikoro chebhodhingi chitsva

Mumashure meizvi tinonzwa munyama
Kunge tarasiswa kukuru uye tinobuda panze
Kune nzira dzine ruzha
Tichitsvaga muhomwe dzedu
Tichitsvaga iyi nguva yakarasika
Uye tikiti chairo remufambi werwendo

Mhepo inovhuvhuta isina chinhu mumaoko ayo
Kunge mufambisi wetsamba asina basa
Uye nemafaro inodhonza kuenda kure
Makadhi akaunyana ane nyorwa dzakasikiswa dzekwaanofanirwa kusvika
Uye saka zvichava zvisingafadze
Kusiyana newe
Uye kuti ndirarame
Nehwindo rinechando
Ndiri mubhazi
Uye kuti ndarambe ndakanyarara

Kunyangwezvo tinotaura kakawanda iye zvino
Kurevurura kwakasiyana kuri kupfuura nemumagurokuro edu
Zvakapfava kunge kunwa makapu.
Kuti mazwi edu ave akaisvorurama
Kubatanidzwa kwavo
Uye tinobhurukira kuenda kumwe kumusoro
Tisina kana kufungidzira
Kuti neizvi tirikuvaka mumwe munhu mutsva


Here one can become a star. In no doubt, post festum.
Several performances, I thought, so that one can create even a sky,
Adorned with stars. Constellation that shimmers.

That’s right: applause from the audience will carry you away,
It will inspire you (expression of time, right?!)
It will raise you up to the pedestal. Then you’ll charge tickets with consumption
(or wine tasting) in your sky.
It wouldn’t be just whichever event for the others,
You’ll become a privileged individual with mystic character.
Suspicious one for the higher authorities, one of the chosen few.
Because even the sky (honestly) is a mystery,
Unprecedented miracle. Quick escape, filled with risks.
Returning to the stage of our acne.

Before leaving the sky you’ll return the ticket to the smile.

Revenge lies at the bottom of the wine glass – tit for tat.


Ndisati ndatanga kuverenga nhetembo pamutambo wenhetembo vakandiyambira kuti
Pano mumwe anogona kuva nyanzwi. Zvisina mubvunzo kuseri kwemutambo uyu.
Kuzviratidzira kwakawanda, ndakafunga, kuti mumwe atogona kugadzira denga chairo,
Rakashongedzwa nenyenyedzi. Kurongana kwenyenyedzi kunovaima.

Ichokwadi: kuombererwa kubva kuvatarisi kunokusimudzira kuenda kure,
Ndichakusimudzira (kutaura kwemazuva ano handiti!)
Zvinokusimudzira kuenda newe pakatunhumadzwa. Uchabva wachinja matikiti nokudya
(kana kuti kuraura hwaini) mudenga rako.
Hazvichavi imwewo ungano kune vamwe,
Uchava munhu akakosha ane hunhu husinganzwisisike
Anofungidzirwa zvakaipa nevepamusoro pematongerwo enyika, mumwe vavashoma vakasarudzwa,
Nokuti kunyangwe denga (ndinovimba) chinhu chisinganzwisisike.
Mashirirpiti asingagonekwi, kwokutizira kuri pedyo, kwakazara nenjodzi.
Tichidzoka kunzwimbo yepamusoro yedu yemapundu matsvuku

Usati wasiya denga unodzosera matikiti kune nyemwerero.

Kudzosera chitema kunogara pasi pegirazi rehwaini- akupa chironda womupawo chironda


Why didn’t they let me change the room
and make me feel better,
now that even the critics are allowed to change their views
and earn more space in the magazines?

They all went for large and bright rooms
with evidently functional furniture,
and I didn’t even complain about the only one new, but hard armchair,
no trace of the second one, though there should’ve been a pair,
just like literature is inseparable from the science about it.

Why was I not standard guest when choosing the bed,
and was so resolute in my desire to experiment?

Literature needs fresh love masks for modeling:
a water-bed, an exotic partner with different skin color, faith,
an unexpected adventure…

But not much depended on, I thought, what view the window had,
everything depended on where and who she’d look at
and who she’d recognize.
“Each room has a mirror”, so I hope mine would have one too,
for it shouldn’t, by any means, be an exception to the rule.

Why does my head look like a syntagmatic axis
though it is laid softly on the pillow,
and becomes a hypertext when it sinks in deep sleep?

Shouldn’t they have let me change my room?


Nei vasina kundibvumidza kuti ndichinje imba
Uye kuti ndinzwe zvakanaka,
Nyangwe munguva ino vanotsoropodza vanobvumidzwa kuchinja zvavanofunga
Uye vanowana nzwimbo dzakawanda mumapepanhau?

Vose vakada imba hombe dzineruvheneko
Dzine zvishongedzo zvokushandisa zvinoshanda mazvo,
Uye handina kunyunyuta nezvechimwe chitsva chete, asi chakaoma kugara chigaro,
Pasina kana musaridzwa wechechipiri, kunyangwe paifanirwa kuva nechimwe chacho,
Kunge mabhuku engano dzevanhu asingasiyaniswe nezveSayenze yavo

Nei ndaisava muenzi anotarisirwa pakusarudza mibhedhe,
Uye ndaiva ndakasimbirira pakuda kwangu kutsvagurudza zvitsva?

Mabhuka engano dzevanhu anoda vharidziro dzerudo itsva dzokutevedzera:
Mubhedhe wemvura, mudiwa wekure ane ganda rakasiyana nerako, kubvuma,
Nechiitiko chisina kufungidzirwa

Asi pasina zvakawanda zvinowanikwa, ini ndakafunga, ndeipi ringisiro iyi ine hwindo,
Zvose zvaiwanikwa nokuda kwokuti kupi uye upi vakatariswa nomudzimai uyu
Uye upi waanosarudza.
“Imba ipi neipi ine chiringiro“, saka ndinotarisira yangu ichava nechiringiro chayo,
Nokuti haifanirwi, kunyangwe nechipi chiitiko, kunge chinhu chisingaitike kazhinji.

Ko neiko musoro wangu unotarisika kunge rongedzo yemazvi yagadzira maraini maviri asangana
Kunyangwe wakaradzikwa patsikiriro yakapfava yokurarisa,
Uye unova mushina wokushandisa pane mabhuku omumhepo apo unodonha muhope?

Vaisafanirwa kundiregedza kuti ndichinje imba yangu here?

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